It’s November, and though gratitude is something many of us express daily, it’s never a bad idea to expound upon our feelings. These are some of the things I am grateful for today.
As a small business owner, I can genuinely say if it weren’t for this little family, we wouldn’t have gotten as far as we have. I’m grateful for the support we offer one another, both in business and in life. It’s true of every member. The little ones have no idea how much just being themselves make everything worth it and how their love and patience help us get through the challenges we face each day. As for my wife, well, there aren’t words to express how much she means to me. I am grateful every day to be sharing life with her. We are a team, and we are unstoppable.

Friends & Supporters:
How many of you have a small and dedicated group of friends who support you on every level? Hang on to them because they are rare and precious. We have some of the best friends anyone could hope to know. I won’t mention names here, but you all know who you are, and thank you doesn’t begin to express how much you mean to us. We also appreciate everyone who supports our small business here and on our Live shows. We couldn’t do any of this without you. You help us survive when we’re not sure we will, and we work hard to make the experience valuable in return. It’s hard work, but you make it all worth it. Thank you, everyone!
Pets & Animals:
Dogs. I don’t think I need to say more. I suppose I can toss Cats into this category since we have one, and as much as we pretend to loath her, she’s actually not bad. Those of you who have a pet will understand when I say they should fall under the Family heading. It never ceases to amaze me how much they are in tune with our emotions. Or how willing and capable they are to help turn a difficult day into a pretty good one. I’m convinced animals are, in reality, angels on earth, and for that, I am eternally grateful.

As a former nomad, I had forgotten how being home felt. Yes, I had places to live after leaving the nest, but never a home. There’s a difference. There is nothing like coming home at the end of a long day to the people who mean the most to you; nothing like making holiday memories, having meals together, playing games together, raising children, loving each other, arguing, and loving again. A house is just an organized pile of wood and concrete. It’s our experiences and dedication to one another that turns that object into a home. I’m grateful for a house, but I feel a hundred times more gratitude for our home.

They say your health is everything. That must be why I don’t have everything yet! I have plenty of work to do if I want to get into good physical shape again and have the energy my daughter deserves, and this life demands. But, I am grateful to have pretty good health overall. Sure I creak, and ache, and moan a lot when I move, and I can only lift about half the weight I used to be able to, I need readers to see small things, and well, I don’t hear like I used to (Theresa will say I don’t “listen” as I used to). However, I still feel like a thirty-year-old mentally, and the mental struggle is half the battle. Right (now is when you nod in agreement)? Joking aside, we are blessed to have our health. I’m grateful for that.
Here is a list of a few more things I am grateful for today:
- Love
- Happy memories
- Kindness
- Fortitude
- Knowledge
- More things to learn
- A job
- The natural beauty in the world, sunrise & sunset, forests, mountains, oceans, beaches, rainbows, air, stars, moonlight.
- Music, art, dance, joy
- Delicious food to eat, caffeinated tea to keep me going, and herbal tea to calm me down.
- Words to write and read, books, the ability to communicate with others and express gratitude.
- Today, because it’s the only day that matters right now.
- Belly laughs
- Goosebumps
Please, tell us what you are thankful for by signing in to your shop account and commenting on this post below.